Batalla, a Garífuna village on the coast, hosts the community group BACALAR. Sponsored projects to develop the village economy include various smaller home-based enterprises and a rice hulling plant. Many of the businesses are owned by women.
Agricultor y extensionista / Farmer and extensionist
Cacao / Cacao tree
The source of chocolate
Cultivando yuca / Cultivating a yucca patch
Despulpadora de arroz / Rice hulling machine
Reunión BACALAR / A meeting of the BACALAR coop
Empresa BACALAR / Small business in the BACALR coop
Estufa Lorena / Lorena stove
The lorena stove can be constructed of local materials: mud, chicken wire, sand, a bag each of cement and lime, earthenware griddles and some galvanized tubes for the chimney. It is designed to consume less firewood and also send toxic smoke, ash and carbon monoxide from the cook fire up a chimney and out of the house. This alleviates a major health hazard for women and children, as well as reduces the amount of firewood needed.
Embarcación BACALAR /Motor boat of BACALAR coop